About Us
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Serving as a Gateway to Hope
Gateway Mission serves as a first step toward a new life for homeless men, women and children across West Michigan.
We provide emergency services and long-term discipleship programs that offer help and lasting hope. This Christ-centered care helps our neighbors overcome the root issues of poverty, addiction and homelessness so they can rebuild their lives, from the inside out.
Our desire is to help every person who walks through our doors experience lasting transformation… From broken to beautiful. From lost to loved. From hopeless to hopeful.
Join us in our life-changing mission! Help hurting people discover God’s love here – and the chance to build a life of dignity and renewed purpose.
Our Mission
To declare and demonstrate the love of Christ by providing housing and programs for the homeless and less fortunate.
Our Vision
To equip each person we serve to follow Jesus and live as productive citizens.
How We Do It
We create environments where Christ-centered and Holy Spirit empowered inner transformation leads to long lasting life change.
“Gateway captures what we hope to inspire within the hearts and lives of everyone who comes to the Mission – serving as a gateway to a whole new life here on earth and eternal life in the arms of a loving God.”
Jay Riemersma | Executive Director
Our Values
To share God’s love and grace by creating an environment that reflects our most important values…
We Believe:
In the intrinsic nature of human beings as created in the likeness of God. Every person should be treated as Christ himself.
We Demonstrate:
With high standards of quality for our facilities and programs.
We Believe:
In Grace. Grace is a foundational principle taught and demonstrated by the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
We Demonstrate:
By offering it openly and never wavering in our commitment to it.
We Believe:
Everyone we serve must be committed to their own recovery and improvement.
We Demonstrate:
By setting high expectations for our guests through programs that require a commitment to work and a productive path forward.
We Believe:
Learning is foundational to life change.
We Demonstrate:
By offering a wide range of educational opportunities that are continually evaluated and improved.
We Believe:
To be effective, we must be a vital part of our community.
We Demonstrate:
By maintaining strategic partnerships with individuals, businesses, churches, and other community organizations.
In accordance with Federal Fair Housing Law, Gateway Mission does not discriminate against any person because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin. Gateway Mission is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. ECFA Accredited.